Monday, October 12, 2015

Seeing the END of our adoption journey

I am in Kyiv, Ukraine with our adopted son, Ezra Alexander and our 10 year old son, Jordan.  We are just waiting on his passport and final paperwork to allow us to leave the Ukraine.  It has been an amazing journey so far.  Ezra is five years old and very handsome!!!  He is full of energy, smart and very curious.  I can not wait for everyone to meet him.

God has provided for this journey in many ways with His favor and financial blessing.  He has guided our every step.  We know He will keep us safe and get us home with the rest of the family very soon.  Thanks to everyone for your prayers and help!!!!

***just so everyone knows we have met all of our matching grants!!! (God is faithful!!!)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Matching Grant with HAND IN HAND

We have received another Matching Grant with Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc., in the amount of $2,500.  This means they will match all donations dollar for dollar up to $2,500 and send us a total check for $5,000 for our adoption expenses.

Please follow the instructions below to help us out:

Please send all donations made payable to “Hand in Hand Christian Adoption” postmarked by October 9, 2015  to: (for tax purposes please include our name on the outside of the envelope only…do not put our name on the check itself) Address the envelope as follows:

Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc.                 
Richard & Lisa Bowling
           18318 Mimosa Court
Gardner, KS  66030  


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

LifeSong Matching Grant

We have received a $3000 Matching GRANT
 with LifeSong & Legacy 685

If you could please help us out we would appreciate whatever you can give.  Remember your donations up to $3000 will be matched.  This can turn into $6000 going toward our adoption expenses.  At this time, we have received $500 in donations making us $2500 away from reaching this goal.  

See below for how to support this grant:

DEADLINE for this grant is:  OCTOBER 19TH

Here are the instructions to help us out:

**Checks should be payable to “Lifesong for Orphans”.   Please, in the memo note “Bowling #5504” to assure it goes to the correct account.  Please mail to:  Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744.  Lifesong has been blessed with a partner that underwrites all US administrative and fundraising costs (TMG Foundation and other partners).  That means 100% of your donation will go directly to the adoption.

**To pay online go to  Select “Give to an Adoptive Family”  Complete the online form and fill in Account Number (#5504) and Family Name (Bowling).  Note PayPal charges an administrative fee of 2.9% + $.30 per transaction.  Your donation will be decreased by the amount of this fee.

We leave for trip #1 on September 6th.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

TRAVEL DATE . . . . .

Wow, I can't believe it!!!!!  We have our travel date.  We are so excited to announce that we will be leaving for Eastern Europe on September 6th and are DAP appointment is scheduled for September 8th.  We are very excited!!!!!

We will be taking more than one trip this time because of our current children at home and their needs.  My oldest daughter, Aria, and myself will travel together for our first trip.   We will visit with and meet our son for several days and then return home and wait for court.  As soon as our court date is scheduled I will return with our son, Jordan, to finalize court and then decide if we will return home to wait or wait in country for finalization.  This process can take several weeks.

We are still in need of funds to be completely funded but are trusting "Where God leads He will provide."  If you would like to help we would appreciate your prayers and any support you can give.

Thank you so much!!!!  We are so close!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Can you see the difference?????

Can you see the difference????

There has been such change in our two newest additions.  There is such a sparkle in their eyes.  Kevin Michael is healthy and happy.  Eliyanah has become quite bossy with all the English words she has learned.  She can say complete sentences and most of the time her words are understandable.  They have both come a long way in a short amount of time.  We brought them home on Jan 1st.

Here are their before and after picts:

 Kevin during his heart surgery in February

at her orphanage
prior to
us adopting

Please help us as we leave to pick up our newest son.  What will his before and after pictures look like?  YES, we can make a difference!!!!!!

We are still in need of about $21,000 to complete his adoption.  We will be traveling sometime in September.

If you can help please donate using the button to the right of this page.

Monday, July 20, 2015

What does a child's life cost??? (Traveling soon)

"Our children are worth every penny we spend on them."  I would say that most of the time but there are some things we spend money on for our kids and think "that was sooooooo not worth the money spent".  There are also those times when we throw money at things to just get our kids out of our hair for a few minutes and later think that was a waste of money.  Especially when you are tired and they are still nagging at you for something you normally wouldn't spend money on.  I mean we all want PEACE and it seems like a good purchase at the time.  Here in America parents spend a lot of money on their children for things they really don't need.  The cost of even raising a child has increased drastically over the years.  (over $245,000 for a child born in 2013 until age 18)  WOW that's a lot of money!!!!

The real question is "what does a child's life cost????"  I know we would all say in desperate situations "every penny I have!!!"  I know I would say that if my child's life was at stake.  I would sacrifice all that I have for my child's life and well being.

That's what I am saying right now!  Our son's life is at stake and we urgently want to bring him home ASAP!!!!  We have and will continue to fight for our son to bring him home no matter what it cost.  It is now time to have funds available because our last document has just arrived and will be headed over to his country in the next 10 days.  We will get a travel date very soon!!!  Please help us to bring him home - any amount will help!!!

These are our estimated ADOPTION EXPENSES  

            Homestudy Fees                $ 1600 (paid)
            Application Fees                $   275 (paid)
            Passport Fees                     $     85 (paid)
            USCIS Fee                         $     85 (paid)
            Bank Fees                          $     55 (paid)
            Birth/Marriage Ce             $     20 (paid)
            Police Clearances              $   160 (paid)
            Postage Fees                      $   100 (paid)
            Apostille Fees                    $   150  (paid)
            Estimated Air Travel         $ 9600
                        For 2 trips
            Adoption Fees                   $ 9400 (have paid $900)
            Travel in country               $ 1200
            Medical for Visa                $   350
            Visa App                            $   350
            USCIS fee                          $   720
            Child’s Passport                 $   600
            Living in country               $ 2000
            Travel to US                      $   800       for child trip home
            Bed/clothing for child       $ 1200 (paid $600)

Estimated TOTAL:  $28,750

Paid so far:  $4,030
Cash on Hand:  $3,055

TOTAL AMOUNT still NEEDED:  $21,665

We currently have a Tshirt fundraiser going on until July 31st.  All proceeds go to help bring our son home and you will also receive a Tshirt for your donation shipped directly to you.  ORDER YOURS TODAY by going to:

Tax deductible donations can also be made by clicking the link on the right at Reece's Rainbow.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Difficult Decisions

We had to make a very difficult decision this week concerning our adoption.  We have been moving forward for awhile with a feeling that something was just not right.   We wanted to be excited about adopting again but for some reason God's peace had just disappeared.  We began questioning whether we had even made the right decision.  We were not sure, at all, if this was going to be a good fit for our family.  Honestly, we were ready to just throw in the towel.

We discussed many times if we could actually care for the little boy we had initially chosen.  We had received further information and there were concerns raised about his future needs.  We wanted to help and felt we just could not say "no" especially now that we had said yes.  The turmoil inside was really eating at us.  I finally took the initiative and sought some counsel from a reliable source.  I did not feel we should just give up but something needed to change.  She gave us great counsel and listened to my heart.  (thank you)

Some of you may never understand the decision we had to make and you may frown on us for making a commitment and then back out of that commitment.   I am sorry but in the end we had to go with the directing of the Holy Spirit and what was best for our family.  I will say that God's peace has returned and we strongly feel this is the best decision for our family.  We will continue to pray for the little boy that we had to say "no" to.  He needs a family to call his own.  Please pray someone will commit to him soon!!!

We will now be pursuing a little boy who approximately five years old.  We feel he is a better fit for our family and we would appreciate your prayers and support.  Our paperwork is almost complete and traveling to pickup our new son is drawing very near!!!!

Here is a glimpse of our son:

Thank you!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Celebration Day - we've reached 6 months home

We can’t believe it has been six months since we arrived back in the USA.  Our entire family has grown in so many ways.  Yes, we have added two additional children to our family by adoption and also a son in law, Greg, who married our second daughter Mariah on May 4th.   Our family is growing and soon we will be adding an additional son by adoption as well.  We hope to bring him home in the next few months.

Just to update everyone on our newest additions progress in the past six months here is a recap of where we started:

Eliyanah came to us from a highly special needs orphanage in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine.  We picked her up on December 19th.  She was not potty trained at the time and had no understanding of a family or what a mom and dad were.  She struggled with so many things when she came to live in her new home.  The entire family was very overwhelmed at first in caring for Eliyanah and trying to meet her needs.  We had difficulty communicating with her since she did not know the English language or even her native language.   She was like having an emotionally high strung two year old.  We had many successes along with several setbacks.  It was one step forward and three steps backwards. 

Kevin Michael was in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.  Kevin weighed about 10 lbs when we first saw him at 7 months old.  He was like holding a 2 month old because of his size and his movements.  Kevin’s medical conditional would require him to have surgery as soon as possible.  We picked him up from his orphanage on December 23rd and were told to not expect him to survive the flight home.

We think it would be more appropriate to tell you all the things that Eliyanah has learned while being home (We will forget to list something I'm sure).  We are now moving forward without moving backwards (this is a success)  She is now potty trained!!!!  Physically she has learned how to run, jump, crawl, throw a ball, skip, and even make a basket while playing basketball with the kids.  Emotionally she is adjusting to being a daughter, sister and friend to many.  She is now understanding emotions. (happy, sad, scared)  She gives hugs to just about everyone and talks to whomever she meets.  She knows and understands many English words and recognizes people and animals.  When we have guests over it is Eliyanah that introduces everyone in our household by saying their name.  She calls for her mama and daddy often when she needs us.  She is now saying sentences instead of just one word when she wants something (we are working on all her sounds as she doesn’t yet have them all correct).  She has learned how to be a sibling as well (she can hold her own with the other kids).  She has learned many good habits as she can say “thank you, please, and welcome.”  Eliyanah also can produce an attitude when she wants to.   She has learned to stomp her foot like Amber when she gets into trouble or is upset with us.   This beautiful, smart little girl is now officially a part of a family and enjoying her childhood. We are amazed at the progress she has made and know she will continue to grow and excel to her full potential!!!

Kevin Michael is thriving in our family.  His heart surgery was a success and at his past two checkups there has been no sign of his previous pulmonary hypertension.  This is great news for him as he continues to grow stronger every day.  He now weighs 18 lbs and can sit up all by himself.   He rolls all over the floor and is pushing up on his hands.  He will put weight on his legs now when you hold him upright.  Kevin has a smile and laugh that will light up a room!!!!  His joy is contagious!!!!

Just look at these faces and smiles this is what adoption is all about!!!!  Please know that our lives are not perfect or that we are not without times of struggles, but the blessing of following God’s direction in adopting these children was the best thing that has happened to our family.  We have seen some amazing things only God could have done in our lives.  We are thankful for everyone who continues to pray for our family and for all of those who have financially supported us during this time.  THANK YOU!!!!

If you would please continue to keep us in your prayers and if you can financially support us again we are moving forward with another adoption.   Lisa will be the one traveling this time to bring home our son and we expect her to be traveling in the next few months.  We still need to raise approximately $22,000 to be able to complete this adoption.

Financial (tax-deductible) donations can be made by clicking the Reece’s Rainbow link on the right of our blog post.   Once again THANK YOU!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

"You can't save them all"

These words were spoken to me very recently.  “You can’t save them all!”  I didn’t hesitate with my reply and I quickly said,  “I know that but I must try to do my part.”  It wasn’t until later that I replayed these words in my mind and wondered why am I trying to save them all as this person had observed.

Well, I am realistic, I can’t by myself,“save them all.”   In my heart, I want to.  But WHY????  Why am I trying so hard to save these children.  I think even a few years ago I would not have considered doing anything that would have made my life difficult or even uncomfortable.  I mean I was satisfied and we were making a good life for ourselves and our family.  We were living comfortably, working hard and raising our children.  Everything in our lives was going well and our plate was full.   

So why?  As I’ve searched myself and thought about my answer, I would have to say in response to this question, “Aren’t we suppose to?  Shouldn’t we be trying to save them all?  They are innocent children, children in need and their lives have value.”  This is what drives me forward, my passion and my heart.  You cannot see the pictures of orphan children and not step in and do something.  Not everyone is called to adopt, but we are all called to give and to pray for those in need.  There is something we can do!!!

I have seen amazing things happen when God leads you to do things you thought you could never do.  He is just waiting for a willing heart.  One that says, “I will go where you lead me.  I will get out of my comfort zone and sacrifice myself and my needs to help others.”  He is patiently waiting for His people to move.  He is such an amazing and faithful God!!!

We are currently waiting on our home study to be completed.  It is suppose to be completed within the next week or so.  Once it is complete it will be sent off for approval from USCIS and then on to our son’s country as the approval is the final form needed to complete our dossier.  Things are going very quickly this time around and funds will be needed soon to travel.  We are currently still in need of approximately $23,000 before we can travel to pick up our son.  We are applying for grants and saving our own money as well to reach our goal.

Please consider what part you can play in helping us bring home our son.  Thank You!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Some days . . . . . . .

Some days are more difficult than others and being a mom is a hard job no matter how many children you have. There are days when I wish I had just stayed in bed with the covers over my head. There are times when I ask myself "What have you gotten yourself in to?  You can't do this!"  Those are the days when we just need to take a step back, a deep breath and refocus ourselves.  We need to allow God's mercy and grace to rule our lives and choose to let God's peace surround us.   Sometimes just that deep breath and refocus helps us to know why we do what we do.    It never fails when I do that I usually encounter a slobbery kiss, a hug or a spontaneous "I love you."   These days when that encounter comes from our newest additions, Eliyanah or Kevin Michael, it reminds me why we are pressing forward to adopt again.  As I reflect on how far Eliyanah has come in these past 4 1/2 months I am in awe of how God's love has changed a life forever.

In case some of you did not know all the details, Eliyanah was a little girl living in an orphanage in the Ukraine. She had been abandoned on the streets as a three year old. We do not have any information on her prior to age three. She was then placed in an orphanage where she was labeled as a "wild animal".   We sat in court as this description of her was translated to us at least three times.  She did not speak in this orphanage and was left most of the time alone in a crib. She did not begin to speak until she was transferred to a new orphanage prior to turning six.  When we met her in this orphanage, for the first time, she had no concept of what parents were. She could not dress herself, open doors, or was even potty trained. Her entire environment was controlled and we witnessed her being sedated. She was not developing as a child in this orphanage.  As I prepared to exit the country, with both children, I was told by the medical doctor about Eliyanah, "you must understand this child is deeply mentally disturbed and I doubt she will ever be able to function normally."  As I heard these words I smiled and said I understood because I knew my God was much bigger than the words that had just been spoken.  She was our daughter!  I’m not sure what answer this doctor wanted but over and over again she asked “are you sure you know what you are doing by adopting these children?”  She informed me that it would be a miracle if our son, Kevin Michael, would survive the flight home.  Her belief was that his heart was in such terrible condition that he would not live much longer.  After being asked several times, I have to be honest, the thought did cross my mind, but these were my children and I was not about to leave them.  They were our children and I was bringing them home!!!!   This was one of those moments I put my complete trust in God.  He had brought us this far and He was not about to let us down!!!

I have to say they have both proved that doctor wrong!  She is potty trained, dressing herself, learning English, and growing so much.  Kevin Michael received his much needed heart surgery and is growing, healthy and happy.  I have experienced what love and perseverance can do for a child left without hope.  You can see God's love in both of their smiles.

Yes, some days are difficult!!!  We have days of victory and days that we just want to go back to bed.  As a family we will proceed forward with this adoption, because a precious child’s life is at stake.  A child of God that deserves hope!!!  He deserves a family to call his own!!!  Our God is always faithful and will be with us throughout this entire journey!!!

We would appreciate your prayers and support!!!

To donate please use the donate button to the right of this page or mail all donations to:

Reece's Rainbow
PO Box 277
Monrovia, MD 21770

(write Bowling Family on your check)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Challenge: Are you ONE of the THOUSAND????

Here’s my challenge:  We need one thousand people to consider giving $25 towards bringing our son home.  We anticipate the costs to be approximately $25,000.  Can you help us out?  Can you rally some of your friends?  Do you want to participate in a blessing?

Honestly fundraising this time around and searching for grants is going to be very difficult.  We just don’t have the same amount of time as before.  Our home study amendment is going very quickly and we already have a stack of documents ready to go over to Eastern Europe.  We anticipate a much quicker process.

Now to the blessing!!!!  I can give testimony of what your $25 will do for this boy and yes, if you would like you can give more.  We all know it is better to give than to receive but many blessings come with giving.   Not only will you be a blessing this child, but in return you will get to see hope and love develop in the eyes of a little boy that will have a FOREVER family.  He will no longer be an orphan!

I have seen first hand what adoption can do.  I have seen over these past few months of our newest additions being home, a sparkle in their eyes, a smile from ear to ear and a joy in their hearts.  They are no longer left in hopelessness and they will be forever loved!  I am truly amazed at how far they have come in such a short period of time.  We are actually the ones who are being blessed by these children.  We still have a challenging journey ahead with them but they will always have unconditional love.  As a family we are committed to always move forward and follow God’s direction for our family.  We are also committed to bringing this boy home.

For all of you who played a part in our first adoption here are some recent pictures of Eliyanah Viktoriah and Kevin Michael:

Donations can be made by going to:

(online donations incur a 3% fee)

or mail your donations directly to:

Reece’s Rainbow
PO Box 277
Monrovia, MD 21770

(*please include Bowling Family on your check)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Where He leads . . . (exciting NEWS)

Some exciting news for the Bowling Family!!!!!

As a family we have decided to adopt again.  As we proceed forward there are many scriptures that come to mind. 

John 10: 4When he has brought his own sheep outside, he walks on before them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.

John 8:12 Once more Jesus addressed the crowd.  He said, I am the Light of the world.  He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life

James 1:27External religious worship that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this:  to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world.

This is not an undertaking that we, as a family, take lightly.  Richard and I began praying about what we should do.  Remember, we had already received approval for three children from USCIS.  We tried on our trip to Eastern Europe to bring home three children but were unable to do so.  However, we brought home two wonderful additions to our family.  Honestly, I was the one who stated, “I will not return and adopt again, if we can’t bring home three now then two is all we will ever adopt.”  Adoption is not an easy road!!!  Also we sometimes have to do those things we swore we would never do.  Never say never!!!!

Over these past two months, God has been working in my heart.  In the back of my mind I knew there was already an approval and that approval would expire if we did not act on it.  There was a tugging at my heart for a little boy that we had desired to add to our first adoption but were unable to do so.  Also, my heart was very concerned on how this could even be possible.  Who would care for our children and with our newest additions, how could I leave them for an extended period of time?  God spoke to me this scripture:

Luke 15:4 - "Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. He leaves the 99 in the wilderness and looks for the one that is lost until he finds it, doesn't he?"

It took awhile for this to sink into my heart.  Soon I began to feel that this child was one we had lost, but it took some time for me to believe I could leave the eight children we now have at home.  Then God said to me “look at this scripture carefully.”  He left the 99 in the wilderness.  Now I’m not leaving my children in the wilderness but God told me they would be just fine.

I have to say it still took some time for me to take that step of faith and believe God was calling our family to adopt again.  Richard and I began to discuss the possibility and pray God would give clear direction.  He then spoke these scriptures to me:

Proverbs 3:27 - Withhold not good from those to whom it is due [its rightful owners], when it is in the power of your hand to do it. 

James 4:17 - So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.  

We talked it over with our children, who were very receptive of the idea and determined we would take the step of faith to begin the process again.  We have decided that I will travel to Eastern Europe to complete this adoption.  We believe this is the best decision for our children.  By the way, if any one is interested I would love to have a travel companion.  The process to adopt should go much quicker than our previous adoption and we will also need to raise the financial support in a shorter amount of time.  We would appreciate your prayers and support.

We are very excited and can’t wait to bring home a little boy to his  FOREVER family!!!!

All donations can be made thru our FSP at:

Monday, April 6, 2015

Our Deepest THANKS

A special thank you from the Bowling Family

     We want to thank each of you who have played a big part in our adoption process!  We feel truly blessed by your generosity, either by prayer, financial support, providing a meal, transportation and your kind words of encouragement.  We are honored that God chose us to take this journey and feel blessed by the overwhelming support of His people to help make this adoption become a reality. As supporters, in this process, you, as well, took this journey with us. Everyone played a part in what God called each of us to do.  Our hearts are blessed in knowing two beautiful children now have HOPE and will forever be loved by a family.
     We traveled across the ocean, 6,125 miles, to two different orphanages in the Dnepropetrovsk region of the Ukraine.   The journey was long and difficult, but now that we are home it was so worth it. We persevered in times of difficulty knowing God would not let us down!  We had times where we felt fear and shed many tears, but we never gave up! We were asked many times "why do you want to adopt these children?" This was a country where these children faced a life without hope. They were labeled as worthless, left alone, they were controlled, sedated and most of all unloved.  God has great plans for these two children and they are now forever labeled, loved and cherished!!!
     This journey is not over for us as we begin the process of joining together as a family with our newest additions. Our daughter still needs time to learn what a mom, dad and family are. She has never had this in her life. For almost seven years she has lived a life of neglect, labeled as a wild animal and controlled in many ways. She had never dressed herself, been potty trained, or learned many things we take for granted daily. She is now discovering many firsts and learning how to enjoy childhood.  She just celebrated her very first birthday as she turned 7 years old on February 27th.
     Our son is also experiencing the love of a family.  He is no longer left in a crib alone and unspoken to.  He has had his heart defect repaired and is on the road to recovering.  Kevin Michael is 10 months old and will have his first birthday on April 28th. His smile will light up a room!
     Thank you once again for all of your prayers and support. Our God is ALWAYS faithful and will always be    with us along this journey we call life!!!

The Bowling Family (Richard, Lisa, Aria, Mariah, Josh, Matthew, Judah, Micah, Jordan, Amber, Eliyanah, Reece and Kevin Michael